The approach to supporting children and young people who have difficulties with learning is changing.
The Welsh Government has passed new legislation, called the Additional Learning Needs (Wales) Act (the Act), which is supported by the Additional Learning Needs Code (Code). The Act and Code will replace the current legislation and guidance about special educational needs.
The Welsh Government is bringing in a more flexible and responsive system of meeting the needs of children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities and are striving to deliver a fully inclusive education system for the learners of Wales. We at Cwmffrwdoer recognise the importance of parents as stakeholders in their children's education and we believe that children should be at the heart of all we do, voicing their opinion whenever possible. We hope that you find the information presented in the publication below useful in helping you to understand the changes.
Mrs Sarah Jarman
Understanding the Documentation
A one-page profile is a single sheet of paper with key information about the pupil– what people like and admire about me; what's important to me; and how best to support me. In Cwmffrwdoer Primary School, we (on occasions) also include targets where necessary to support our learners in the best possible way (see example). These targets usually link to interventions they might also be receiving.
You may be used to your child receiving an IEP in previous years; however, this will now be changing and identified children will be supported through an Individual Development Plan (IDP).
Individual Development Plan (IDP)
What is an IDP?
The Individual Development Plan (IDP) is a single plan that is put in place after determining that a pupil has ALN. The IDP includes a description of the child/young person's ALN, and the Additional Learning Provision (ALP) put in place in order to meet those needs must be noted.
How is the IDP written?
A Person-Centred Review is undertaken in order to ensure that learners and their families are placed at the centre of planning, reviewing and making decisions about what matters in their lives, and the support, namely the additional provision, they require in order to achieve their aspirations (further details can be found in PCP section below).
Who will be present?
Usually, everyone who works with the child will be invited to attend, e.g. parents, child/young person if appropriate, ALNCo, Educational Psychologist, Health, Teaching Assistant, Class Teacher, Head of Year, i.e. any professional who is contributing to the child/young person’s support.
What will happen at the meeting?
There is a laid-back environment in a Person Centred Review, with refreshments and chairs laid out informally. A facilitator will guide everyone through the process in order to contribute information and agree on person centred outcomes and actions.
You will be asked to discuss...
What you appreciate about your child
Your aspirations for your child
What matters to your child
What matters for your child
The best way to support your child
What works and what does not work from your point of view
Any questions you may have
At the end of the review
By the end of the Review, the facilitator will ensure that everyone has agreed on Person Centred outcomes, and on actions that need to be achieved. The aim of the Action Plan is to ensure that everyone can see what needs to be done to support your child/young person to learn and fulfil their dreams.
The Individual Development Plan will say...
What support your child needs to learn and develop.
Who is responsible for ensuring that he/she receives the support they need
Where they will receive this support
How we will know if the support has helped your child in the way it was intended
What's next?
Following the review, the Plan is shared with all partners. This document will be reviewed regularly as required and every 12 months at least.
Universal Intervention (support available to all pupils)
Our universal provision offer has been designed under four headings
Cognition and Learning (inc Dyslexia)
Communication and Interaction (inc ASD, SLCN and EAL)
Social, Mental and Emotional Health
Physical and Sensory
A copy of our universal provision can be accessed in the documents section.
Targeted Intervention and Additional Learning Provision (ALP) (usually 1:1 intervention)
Literacy Intervention - 1:1
Numeracy Intervention - 1:1
Precision Teaching
In class 1:1 support for some specific work
ELSA - emotional literacy sessions
Intensive Interaction
Visits with our therapy dog
School Counselling (external support)
Need specific e.g. wearing a mic if a child has a hearing impairment
Please access the documentation attached for more details and do not hesitate to contact Mrs Sarah Jarman if you have any questions or concerns regarding ALN – or call the school on: 01495 742761